Happy New Year Everyone! This is my first blog post for 2017 -- and it is appropriately dealing with fabric and sewing room organization. After the holidays are over, my focus shifts to organizing and preparing for the next year and in my case sewing or more accurately my quilting year. I try to time block my travel and pattern writing activities and get prepared for all the fun and also challenges the new year will bring. The first thing I noticed this year that my level of distraction was super high. I am starting to realize that it is getting harder and harder for me to focus over the "low murmur" of my sewing clutter, usually left overs from previous projects. - OK sometimes it sounds more like a scream :) Yes, these left over fabrics and tools from past projects seem to produce some type of noise that keeps me from focusing on what I would like to or should be doing. To get rid of some of this "visual noise" I started bagging my leftover bit...
I love quilts, designing, sewing and teaching. My curvy looking patterns can be made entirely with straight seams. Please join me on the road, at my sewing machine or in my studio. See my Quilts and Patterns on my website; http://www.southwindquilts.com